NIHL By-laws

Article 3 - Membership

3.1 Application for membership in NIHL shall be open to any recognized AHAI Tier II organization, with the exception of those defined in section 3.1.1 below, and such other organizations which meet the same AHAI standards and are recognized by any other USA Hockey affiliate. Applications for membership shall also be open to any recognized AHAI Tier I organization, and such other organizations which meet the same AHAI standards and are recognized by any other USA Hockey affiliate. Such Tier I organizations shall only be permitted to field teams in NIHL comprised entirely of female players. Membership may be limited by practical considerations on the maximum number of organizations that can be effectively accommodated in NIHL and by judgments of the ability of prospective members to comply with the standards set forth in this Article.

3.1.1 Tier II organizations ineligible for membership in NIHL Tier II organizations subject to article 17.1.3 of the AHAI rules and regulations, separated from an organization that existed on January 10, 2021 and were issued a USA Hockey/AHAI identification number pursuant thereto. Any organization created after January 10, 2021 that has any affiliation to an existing member. An affiliation is defied as including, but not limited to, any one of the following:

1) Being organized under the same corporate structure as that of the existing member.

2) Having one or more identical members of its Board of Directors or governing body as that of the existing member.

3) Playing under the same or similar team name, colors and/or logo of the existing member.

3.2 Standards that are used in considering prospective members and for judging whether current member organizations are meeting NIHL qualifications are as follows:

3.2.1 The ability to field competitive teams in the age and ability classifications at which NIHL is conducting competition.

3.2.2. Provide sufficient “home” ice time, under satisfactory conditions, to fulfill the schedule of games.

3.2.3. Demonstrate attitudes and conduct that are compatible with other member organizations in matters such as cooperation, rules, enlisting and recruiting players, player, parents, and coach conduct, etc.

3.3 Each member organization is expected to conform to all of the provisions of the NIHL By-Laws. If a member organization is found to be in violation of these provisions by an investigation and report of the Rules & Ethics Committee, that member organization will be placed on probation for the term of one year by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, at the next regularly-scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If the violation which caused the probation is not resolved or any additional violation occurs during the term of probation, the offending member organization may be placed on suspension by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, represented in person, at a NIHL Board of Directors meeting, for a term of one year. A member organization that has been placed on suspension:

3.3.1 Will retain the rights and privileges that are provided by Article 4 of the By-Laws.

3.3.2 Will be expected to remit the annual membership fee as provided for in Section 3.4 of this Article.

3.3.3 May field teams to participate on a scheduled exhibition basis but such teams will be ineligible for season awards, play-off awards and listing in the league standings.

3.3.4 May be expelled from league membership under the provisions of Section 6 of this Article.

3.4 A membership fee in the amount set by the Executive Board and approved by the Board of Directors must be submitted annually to the NIHL Treasurer no later than the September Meeting, or a loss of eligibility may be imposed on any delinquent member organization.

3.5 Acceptance of an application for membership shall be by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the quorum present at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors, but cannot take effect during a playing season. A vote once taken on a membership application shall be binding on all NIHL organizations for that playing season. New member organizations shall be accepted on a probationary basis for one (1) season with full membership rights. After the completion of the probationary season, the Board of Directors will review the probationary member's record of compliance with the standards set forth in Article 3, Section 2 above, and will vote whether to accept the probationary member as a full member in good standing. This vote will be taken prior to the next succeeding playing season. New member organizations shall pay an initial fee and post a bond, in addition to the full membership fee, in an amount set by the Executive Board and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.6 Membership shall remain in effect until the termination of its membership is requested by a member organization or termination of the membership of a member organization is voted by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of directors, represented in person, at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. A vote once taken on termination shall be binding for that playing season. Should a member organization have its membership terminated, in order to be readmitted to NIHL, it must reapply as if it were a new member and meet all the requirements of a new member.